• Most Valuable Dental Treatments
    At East Aurora Family Dentistry, we work to find a dental plan that will work best and most effectively for you. But we’ve found that three treatments tend to be Read more
  • Choose Chocolate on Valentine's Day
    From a student handing out sweets for her classmates to an older married couple exchanging boxes of candy, Valentine’s Day is the time of year when people like to show Read more
  • Toothaches and Abscesses
    With the doctor, emergency dental care is only a phone call away. Dental problems are uncomfortable and should always be treated as soon as possible to prevent them from getting Read more
  • Tips for Using Invisalign®
    More than one patient has come into our office and asked, “What can I do to help my teeth when wearing Invisalign?” While everyone’s teeth and dental needs are different, there Read more
  • How to Prevent Dry Socket
    When you have a tooth extracted, your body immediately sets to work to help protect the affected area. The blood that collects at the site of the extraction clots to Read more
  • Your Snoring Might Be More Serious Than You Think
    Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly throughout the night. It’s most common among middle-aged adults, and the most prevalent symptom is loud snoring. Sleep apnea Read more
  • Five Things You Didn't Know About Cavities
    Most people know when they have a cavity—they can either see it on their tooth or... ouch! They can feel it! But there are certain things that many of our Read more
  • Tooth Protection and Winter Sports
    Just because it’s cold out there doesn’t mean you’ll give up keeping fit and active! Winter is the season for some of our favorite team sporting activities, and when you’re Read more
  • A Brighter Smile for the New Year
    The beginning of a new year is the perfect opportunity for a fresh start for you and your smile. At East Aurora Family Dentistry, a brighter smile is quick and Read more
  • What is gum disease?
    Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is an infection of the gum tissues, and is something seen all too often by the doctor. Extending from inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) Read more
  • Why Is My Child Getting Cavities?
    We want our children to have every advantage, including oral health. That’s why you encourage your child to brush twice a day. You keep the sugary treats to a minimum. Read more
  • Five Things You Should Never Do With Your Toothbrush
    When’s the last time you gave your toothbrush any serious thought? Sure, you use it every day (and ideally twice), and you know that with a dollop of toothpaste it Read more
  • I have sensitive teeth. What are my options?
    At East Aurora Family Dentistry, we have patients coming in asking us why a taste of ice cream or a sip of coffee becomes a painful experience, or why brushing Read more
  • Things You Should Know Before Getting an Oral Piercing
    Have you been thinking about getting an oral piercing lately? It could seem enticing because they look trendy or cool, but it’s worth know the health risks associated with oral Read more
  • How Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Waking Life
    We all know that sleep apnea causes many a difficult night. Noisy snoring, gasping for breath, and waking up dozens of times a sleep cycle are the unhappy consequences of Read more
  • Cold Comfort
    The sounds of the season are filling the air—falling leaves rustling along the sidewalk, football cheers, holiday greetings—and the coughs and sneezes of your fellow sufferers. Yes, it’s cold and Read more

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